What if Apple bought Tesla


Nice article on TNW hypothesizing what if Apple bought Tesla. There are several similarities. Steve Jobs did want to build a car and take on Detroit (he had made that comment to a NYT reported before he died). Tesla is loaded with elegant technology. Elon Musk dreams big – really big – kind of like Jobs. Tesla sells only through its own stores. And well, Apple very well has the cash to buy the car company. There is one more nice point made in the article – if this does happen, there is a risk to Tim Cook – a good chance that the investors might want to replace Cook with Musk!

Read the full article here. [link]

(image src: flickr)

OpenTable’s new feature


Restaurant reservation startup Open Table has a new feature and I think it is a pretty cool feature (I think!). This is rolled out only in select cities and in select restaurants.

You book a restaurant reservation through OpenTable. You arrive at the restaurant. You order your meal. You finish. And then the restaurant bill arrives on your mobile phone through OpenTable. You swipe to pay direct from your phone. Done. You walk away.

And yeah, ofcourse, this caught my attention of the South Indian food on display in the phone app in the picture πŸ™‚ And sure, it will not roll out in India for a while, but I think this is where the future lies.

Read the full article on techcrunch here. [link]

Microsoft – past and Future

This morning, I was talking exactly the same thing with my boss on the hallway. MS should just concentrate on the cloud – the azure platform. Build the developer community for it. Make sure it delivers data and functionality to every connected device. Bring office and sharepoint as services to the world. To every connected device. That is the future.

And was I surprised to read a blog post by John @gruber Β on daringfireball.net today which pretty much ended on that same note. Very well written article I should say.

Read the article here. [link]

Samsung and Google Sign 10 year patent agreement.

Oh boy. This is juicy news. No samsung-google law suits for the next 10 years. They have signed a 10 year patent agreement. Nice. I like this because now they both can grow, and not spend useless $$ on one-upping the other in court.

Good stuff guys. Hope to see more frequent android updates on my samsung phone now πŸ˜‰

Update: Had originally put in Samsung and Apple patent agreement. Thanks Veera for the correction. Posted this too early in the morning to realize what I was typing.
