GC Mouli's Blog

Twitter Trends - UI Change?

A little while ago, I wrote a post on the awesome new feature in twitter web UI, the quote-and-RT. I am loving it But before the euphoria died down, I just noticed that, twitter has made yet another UI (or maybe trying out on a subset population). When I log in to twitter today morning, I see a dense trends column on the left side of my screen. 2015-04-23 10_17_24-(8) Twitter To be honest, I do not remember where the trends column used to be before - I rarely look at what is trending. But today seemed to be different. I noticed it because it is crowded and ugly.

It is crowded because of the extra text below the actual hashtag. It distracts me from my timeline.

The fact that I never used to look at the trends (and hence did not let it affect/influence) my conversations on the timeline, makes it even harder for me now.

There is definitely a cognitive distraction that is happening here and I am not liking it. Are any of my readers seeing this as well? Are you OK with this?

And deep inside me, there is one more fear in me. Was this a means to drive people towards trending phrases - which could potentially be sponsored. If so, this is nothing short of discrete native advertising. Not that I am saying it is wrong to do advertising (twitter is a publicly listed company after all, and it has to make money), but hopefully not at the cost of distracted users. The last time something like that happened to me was when there used to be these blinking bling pop-up ads on webpages.

Now, has someone written an extension to hide the trends column?


Ok, I found a way to get it back to normal. Click on the 'Change'  next to the trends. It will ask you for which city you want trends for. Type in your location. There is a button called "Tailored Trends". Do not click on that button, and just click Done. It will go back to a shorter trends column with just hashtags. Phew.