GC Mouli's Blog

Should I listen to your opinion ?

I have been reading Seth's blog for a while now. Most often than not, his short posts are enlightening. But today's post just hit the nail on the head. A little harsh, but 100% truth. An excerpt:
If you are not a customer, a stakeholder or someone with significant leverage in spreading the word, we will ignore you. And we should. When you walk up to an artist and tell her you don't like her painting style, you should probably be ignored. If you've never purchased expensive original art, don't own a gallery and don't write an influential column in ArtNews, then by all means, you must be ignored. ... An opinion needs to be based on experience and expertise. I know you don't like cilantro, but whether or not you like it is not extensible to the population at large. On the other hand, if you have a track record of matching the taste sensibility of my target market, then I very much want to hear what you think.
Read the full post here .