GC Mouli's Blog

Random mixed feelings about Indian Railways

This past weekend, my wife, my kid, duly accompanied by yours truly, went to Chennai by train. This was the kid's first train journey after he has turned two (ie, after he has started really assimilating the world!). We took the Shatabdi for the onward journey. We were blown away by the new coaches. My opinion/observations below: So we thought, all was fine and dandy. Landed in Chennai without a tired muscle. We could not get tickets for the Shatabdi for the return journey. In fact we could not get an AC ticket at all. So we had settled for the Non-AC 2S seating in Lal Bagh. We had chosen the Lal Bagh for its convenient time - it reaches Bangalore at a comfortable 9PM. Observations (and mostly dissatistified comments below): The only good thing common about both  the journeys was the dashing Lallaguda WAP7 locomotive - which did more than justice to the journey. Pure power. The locomotives just gobbled up the distance like noboby's business. My thanks to the loco-pilots. An aside point is that - it was the last day for the locopilot on the return journey,  Mr. S.C.Dass, before he retired. There was a banner on the WAP7 announcing this. Mr. Dass, you did your bit, and made yours, and ours journey memorable. We screamed through the Whitefield station so fast that I could barely read the black-on-yellow lettering. Probably was making the top speed of 110 kmph at that time. Kudos. Update: Some pictures of the Shatabdi. Did not take pictures on the Lalbagh. Was too busy to retain my calm :) [caption id="attachment_2129" align="aligncenter" width="538" caption="View of the coach. Note the wide aisle. You can also see the much needed legroom."] [/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2126" align="aligncenter" width="538" caption="The area between two coaches. What used to be the rickety vestibule is now this."] [/caption] [caption id="attachment_2127" align="aligncenter" width="538" caption="Transparent over-head  luggage space. (Also note the reading lights)"] [/caption] [caption id="attachment_2128" align="aligncenter" width="538" caption="Nice long windows so you can take panaromic Indian Country side shots like these."] [/caption]