GC Mouli's Blog

North India ...

This may seem a rant to some ... for the rest, please be informed, that, this is indeed a rant. Conversation in the ITPL shopping area (tech park mall):

Random Person >   Hi ... You look familiar.

Me > Hmm. I dont recall seeing you (noticing the TCS badge)

Random Person > [Extends hand] Im Rajesh, from TCS.

Me> [Extending hand as well] Mouli from {insert company name here}

Random Person > Ah, ok [Pretty apparent that he did not recognize the company name]

Random Person > Where are you from originally ? [Apparent that he has mistakenly assumed that I am a Shukla/Gupta/Singh/Dey/... from  my fair complexion]

Me > Madras

Random Person > [Pretty taken aback]. Oh ! [a brief couple of seconds pause] I am from North India.

Me [in my head]> Uh. Where is that ? Is that a separate country (like North Korea/South Korea). I thought there was only

ONE INDIA . Where did that come from? Ofcourse I was miffed. Very pis**ed off indeed.

Me [aloud]> I was in {stressing} North India too, you know. Noida, for about 5 years.

Random Person > Really. [Apparent from his expression, that he is shocked that someone from

South India

(yeah like in the separate country we are), could survive in Noida that long. Me > Nice meeting you. Gotta go. [giving him a quizzical look and thinking, " tsk tsk .. when will these guys grow up? "]

I have to say something though -- it is not everyone who is like this. I have several friends from Delhi, and not all of them are like this. I know several who treat the whole country as their own, and freely migrate to different parts of the country, and also

adapt to the local customs/society etc.

Maybe it is just me -- but I guess, I would not have gotten so irritated, if he had said, "Im from Delhi". What is up with the 'North India' thing ; and the shocking expressions. Grow up guys.