GC Mouli's Blog

Joe Costello - Keynote in DAC 2006

Quick blurb about Joe - " He was president and COO of SDA Systems from 1987–1988 and CEO of Cadence Design Systems , which became the largest EDA company under his tenure, from 1988–1997. In 2004, he was awarded the Phil Kaufman Award in recognition of his business contributions that helped grow the EDA industry." from his wikipedia page . A fantastic presenter - someone whom I even sometimes compare to Steve Jobs. If you doubt me, see this keynote presentation video. (warning: large file if you want to download - can view on demand if you have vlc plugin in firefox) A colleague of mine and me were chatting about this video today, and I thought I would share it with my readers. This video always gets me pumped up. The photo above is when he was giving his keynote talk at DAC. And yes, he came wearing a hawaiian shirt. :-) PS: I could not find this video on youtube - else I would have embedded it.