GC Mouli's Blog

IIT Thesis cheating and Satyam ...

Ok, this is something that took me back by surprise. Really shocked me. All around, there is always talk about the IITs (Indian Institute of Technology) being the most premiere institute in the country. And today in the VLSI conference, it seems Prof. Vishweswaran said:
Too often, he said, candidates get pulled into industry before completing their studies and, more tellingly, too many submit a thesis stuffed with content copied from the Web, indicating a lack of commitment. "We need to get research as a matter of the heart," he said. For that, he also called for more and better-qualified teachers to keep the momentum going and the passion alive. Source: eetimes
Wow. That is disparaging. Shocking from two angles -- (a) Did not think the IITs could do something like this. (b) How could someone do that to research? Like the professor says, research should be from the heart. It is just wrong trying to steal ideas. Research in itself means (according to Merrian-Webster) studious inquiry or examination ; especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws . Anyway, that is just my rant, after revelation that, no one is exempt from malpractices. On a side-rant, what is happening to Satyam Computers is also sad. Again, going against the etymology. Satyam means truth. And it looks like what their Chairman, Ramalinga Raju has been doing until now, is ASatyam (untruth) . It is said because, I hate to think of what is going to happen to the 50K employees.