GC Mouli's Blog

Highest RoI Management Tool - the power of Thank You

thankyou I really like the articles that Jeff Weiner's (CEO of LinkedIn) writes. A lot of it resonates with the Engineering Manager's mind. Short and crisply written, they portray problems and solutions of every day things in the day of an Engineering Manager. This article on the power of thanking someone is another classic article. In summary, Jeff suggests to be mindful of the following things when saying thank you to someone: Be thoughtful - I think this is super important. A quarterly award is an award and can make an employee happy; but being thoughtful and seeking out something that the employee would cherish and remember you for, is King. Be Genuine - Mouthing out the words or nominating for an award with hollow words just wont cut it. You need to be genuine. Pick your spots - Balance between over-complimenting and not rewarding enough. Solicit suggestions - Ask around if others want to nominate someone for great work. You would not know everyone and the great work that everyone does. Learn how to accept a compliment - This is by far one of the biggest things that I have a problem with. And I see this with so many other people. Especially very strong in the Indian culture - where humility is taught in extreme proportions. Indians just suck at accepting compliments. Try complimenting an Indian person; and they will gush out - "Oh it was nothing."; "Oh you shouldnt have."; "Without you, it would not have been possible". Sure, one should be humble, but at some points, when you are complimented on something that has been successful because of you, we should accept it with grace. Yes, I am still working on this as well. Read this article in Jeff's words here . (image courtesy: flickr:@nate )