GC Mouli's Blog

Fresh Paneer


(Image courtesy: flickr set of Cdye1 )

Over the weekend, the wife and I had been to the newly opened Spar HyperMarket - which is just a name for a ginormous sized supermarket. It was actually pretty nice. There were some deals that were pretty neat. We bought a few things such as a set of pink pillow covers, which now perfectly matches our pink bedsheets etc. But the piece-de-resistance was the dairy section. We had wanted some mozzarella cheese, and we looked for the usual Amul cheeses, and we could not find them. However we found a big brick of freshly made Paneer, and people buying 250gm slices from it. Well, the wife and me are big suckers for Paneer, and R makes extremely good Paneer gravies for having with rotis. So we went ahead and succumbed. And she did make the Paneer on Sunday itself (since the dairy guy had said it will last only for few days - since it was fresh Paneer). Hmmmm. That is probably the best paneer that I have had in a long long time. Then realization dawned. We realized why the Paneer that we make is so different from the Paneer that we have had in some of Delhi/Noida's restaurants. And in fact, why most of the north Indian restaurants in Bangalore fail to match up with the restaurants in Delhi/Noida. It is the Paneer! It is the Paneer. It became very obvious. Man ! It is the Paneer. Anyways, now that I am over my euphoria, one thing is for sure. If we buy Paneer from now on, it would be fresh Paneer from Spar. Sorry Amul - you have competition now.