GC Mouli's Blog

Fickleness of Life

I got a message from my dad yesterday morning. The message mentioned the passing of Sridhar - the driver of my uncle. This guy, Sridhar, was everything to my senior citizen uncle and aunt.

The guy was very young. Has a wife and 2 young kids. No bad habits. Shopped veggies with my aunt. Took my uncle to the hospital. He would know where everything is, in their loft. Get medicines for them. Heck, there were times when he would even cut veggies and clean house for them, if there was a need.

He literally behaved like family. When he used to come to our house, if he brought stuff from uncles house, he knew where to put them. He would look at my aged mom and dad and say - "You would not be able to lift this and keep. Let me do it."

He had taken a couple of days off to tend to some skin infection. He had to take some tests etc. The day before, he told his wife, that it has been 2 days since he went to duty, and he had to go today. Went to shower in the morning. Life had something else in store for him. Slipped on the floor. Hurt his head bad. Brain heamorrage. Dead.

I am shocked. Sad. Angry. Frustrated. Helpless. I am not able to comprehend the absurdity of life.

When he used to come to our house, and uncle/aunt used to leave, from the car window, he would peep out and cheerfully wave and say "Bye" to everyone at home individually.

Bye, Dear Sridhar. Go well.