GC Mouli's Blog

Evening with Don Norman

I had the amazing opportunity to spend an evening with Don Norman, a world renowned human computer interaction researcher. His book "The Design of Everyday Things" is a must read for anyone interested in design and is the textbook for my course on most design courses.

This meetup was organized by the DesignUp group and the newly formed BITS Design School. I am deeply indebted to the efforts of these groups to bring this event to Bangalore.

The event was a Q&A type of event, where Don pretty much spent most of the 2 hours answering questions from the audience. I attempt to capture some of the interesting thoughts here.

Had my fanboy moment with clicking a picture with Don, and also getting my copy of "The Design of Everyday Things" signed from him.

Don Norman Don Norman
Don Norman's book Don Norman's book
JD, Shiva, and me

It was a smallish gathering of several design leaders, many of whom I had gotten acquainted with over the last few years (especially in the last D'Up Conference). While I have been mostly in Product Management leadership, I have always considered myself a designer and have always been fascinated by design; and have even gotten to lead design teams in my startup days. Had an amazing time with enriching conversations with these folks. Gratitude for JD, Shiva and the rest of the D'Up team for organizing this and extending me an invite.