GC Mouli's Blog

Disclaimer Generation

This is my opinion, based on my research and preferences. You should do your own, to figure out, yours.
I overheard a young man say this to his father last weekend. Somehow, it just stuck inside my mind, and kept coming back. Today morning, I thought about it a little more. I stepped back, and realised that, I do this too. With family, with friends, with colleagues, with everybody. Step back yourself, and think for just a minute, on how you respond, when someone asks you for an opinion.

We are currently a generation, which gives opinions and recommendations, only with disclaimers. We are afraid of telling it as what it is. We are afraid of people coming back and saying - "you said so.". I don't remember it being so hesitant, when I was growing up. There are so many things, that I have done, because I trusted someone's opinion, went to them, asked for the opinion, and just did exactly this.

Now, where am I coming to, with this? Is this a bad thing? Probably not. The newer generation is becoming more aware. They are making more informed decisions. However, I am just a little sad, that the trust factor is diminishing. Every time, I say, "This is my opinion, you should also do your checks", it kind of feels like, I am washing it off of me.

What do you guys think?