GC Mouli's Blog

Criticism and Praise

Scott H Young in his blog has an excellent post on Criticism and Praise. He notes that, both are the same. One should not let either get under your skin.
If you do anything unique, people will attack you for it. Self-motivation depends on having a thick skin, persisting in spite of criticism. But equally important is the ability to not let praise consume you, either. Because, praise and criticism are just reflections of each other.
He ends the post by saying:
The ideal state of mind is humble confidence. You are humble, because you accept all feedback, searching for actionable suggestions, open to any opportunity. You are confident because you won’t allow emotional praise or criticism to distract you from your goals.
I am reminded of the famous verse from the Bhagavath Gita :
Karmanyeva adhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana Ma karmaphalahetur bhurma te sangostvakarmani. "Thy business is with the action only, never with its fruits; so let not the fruits of action be thy motive, nor be thou to inaction attached." Gita: Chapter II-47.
In other words, do the action, without thinking about the fruits of it. This is exactly the outcome if you proactively practise what Scott says in this post. Read Scotts post here .