GC Mouli's Blog

Communication of bad news

[caption id="attachment_3911" align="alignnone" width="800"] I just read T.N.Hari's excellent write up on " Firing someone you deeply admire. " Brought back a lot of memories of the last few days of Stayzilla. There were anxious moments, and then resignation to what had to happen, and the morbid planning sessions. Morbid because, they are just emotionally taxing, but it has got to be done. What has to be done, has to be done. And in the most humane way and with utmost empathy. A lot of thoughts flew through my mind, as I recollected those days, and I thought I should jot them down here. The above points are in no particular order. I just did a tweet-storm on it, and subsequently expanded them into this post. Would love to hear your thoughts/experiences on this. If you (or someone in your org) need coaching in this area, please ping me at gcmouli at gmail.